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Capet: The highest aftermarket shield (54cm / 21"). Shape compares to 5 Stars. Vibrates.
The screen I have is identical to some of the pictures on your web page
Dark tinted about 20cm taller than standard, with a flip at the top. I purchased
it from a mail order place here in the UK called M&P Tel. +44 (0)990 703030
for GBP 33, they also do a shorter screen for GBP 30.
Hm, must be some years ago, the ī98 M&P catalogue reads GBP 52.- for clear and GBP 57.-
for tinted version. For actual order# please see M&P catalogue. Number must be sampled according
to colour codes, and I really donīt feel like doing that for you ... ;-))))
Five Stars (JF): Looks quite well and helps
Götz of Germany provides two kinds of windshields:
I purchased the 10433 as a replacement after a crash, and it's very good.
It's a little bit rounder than the original and a little bit higher. IMHO it's
looking better than the original. BTW, it's made by MRA.
After rebuilding my seat, I found, that the stock windshield was a little bit
too low. I'm also using this screen now, and I like it very much.
MRA: DEM 189.- . Not as stiff as the above. Read Jürgen Koch's
experiences with the MRA screen:
Brian Lambert of the International Transalp MailingList recently (February 2006) purchased it,
and he wrote:
National Cycle has been in the plexifairing business since the 1970's,
their stuff tends to be very good quality. This one, especially for the
price, is quite nice. For $21 US, it is no disappointment.
Latest news as of 18-FEB-2006, by TAML member Gene Gandy:
Brian again:
The $49 tinted ones are probably still available. Last week they were on sale,
$10 off, but today I couldn't find the sale pages.
For the guys in Europe, they still have the '94 to '99 Transalp
'screens listed for $15.95 plus shipping--and includes either the light tint or medium tint ones.
Conc. shipment fees, TAML member Peter Tormey from Ireland wrote:
I was reading your posts about National Cycle windscreens and
mailed them to ask how much to post to Ireland, here is the mail back
I got....
Nuvo, available both in standard (+4") and flip (+8") version, either clear or tinted.
Also available in different colours.
Parabrisas Curtain
on Juan Carlos Vazquez' bike. He wrote on TAML:
I bought a national production here in Buenos Aires Argentina for my 1998
Red TA a few days ago, and it fits very well. Its 140 milimetres taller
the stock one. I'm 185 cm tall and the wind hits in the high part of my
head. I did not hear any noise at 100/120 km/h. Perhaps noises and
turbulence will start riding a few k/h faster, but I did not reach this
speed yet....Brand: Parabrisas Curtain. Made in ARGENTINA. It cost me
THX, Juan!
Powerbronze, available both in standard and flip version, either clear or tinted.
Standard tints: Clear, dark grey, light grey, solid black.
Also available: violet, yellow, amber, red, blue, fluorescent green, dark green.
Price: GBP 35.00 for both standard and flip, additional GBP 6.00 for other than
standard tints.
David's experiences:
A lot of buffetting and wind noise at
speed and can be quite uncomfortable in a cross
wind. My head gets tossed about quite a lot.
The bug line is right in the middle of my visor and
I am 1.95m (6'2").
If I was 1.85m the wind would be all but over my
head !
Speed 7: looks terrible, but is very stiff and helps
Zero Gravity provides two kinds of screens for -'93 Transalp: XL series and Sport Touring
series, both as well clear as in different colours.
And here are some pics of Brian's new ZG:
Looks pretty cool, eh? Pictures appear by courtesy of Brian Lamberts.
Kelly is happy with this ... He wrote:
Some guy in
Washington state just sent me two more screens by Clearview.
One is HUGE, the other is a copy of the one I already have (in
the pics you have of my bike). I like the way the Clearview
looks, and the mirrors don't hit it at full steering lock.
Picture appears by courtesy of Kelly J. Bradley.
Another Clearview (old version).
Here's the new Clearview, 19 " (48 cm) high.
Pictures appear by courtesy of Adrian Rowland.
See more Clearview pictures by Adrian.
Ermax: Richard from Cambridge/UK
uses this and he wrote:
It is advertised as their own make but mine had the manufacturers protection
wrapping still attached with Ermax printed all over it (The official Ermax
screen is 19 cm taller than standard, thicker Perspex and costs GBP 65,
available from the same place).
My opinion:
Thin Perspex that deforms slightly over 85mph, but you get used to it after a
short time. Wind is deflected from chest level (standard screen) to helmet
level (I am 175cm approx.)
So the noise level increases.
I feel the screen needs to be more upright and about 8-10cm higher to take the
wind just over the helmet.
But at 33 GBP I'm not complaining!
M & P
If it must be a higher screen,
this (and the 5 Stars) is one of the best.
Givi part# for the shield are:
THX, Lennart!
Looks nice, and Johan from Netherlands
is happy with it. He only complains a little about noise.
Contact: Götz
As of Götz catalogue, genuine shaped and coloured.
Gregor Hermens uses it and he wrote:
Both for DEM 149.- flip ("Spoiler"), probably also a MRA ...
Both for DEM 195.-
" I had a terrible ride with the MRA Windshield on my '94 ALP. At 110
km/h (~65 Miles/h) there has been a storm like a hurricane around my
head. It could be, that shorter/larger (than 180cm) or lighter/heavier
(than 75kg) Biker made other experience, but I dismounted this
Windshield imediately after 0,2Mm. - Juergen"
Hein Gericke
National Cycle Cheetah: US$ 21.- . National Cycle appears to be an American company, and I'm not
sure, if this screen is available outside USA, but I'll try to figure it out. The price is sensational ...
I was comparing it to the old Honda windscreen today, it follows the
contours of the Honda screen, and where the old one would stop, it goes more
vertical for about 6 or 7 inches--about the span from thumb to pinky of a
large, moderately stretched hand.
I'm about your height, tho I probably carry more weight. I'm not a big fan
of dirt riding, tho. And as I said, the bike's on its way to a new
home--and the new owner has a couple of real dirt bikes.
Just got a call from National Cycle about the windscreen mentioned in
this thread.
Apparently a "DISTRIBUTER" bought all they had left and there are no
That windscreen, for our beloved Transalps, is now discontinued!!
>It all depends on the size of the shield estimated shipping $70-$100
>National Cycle
>Customer Service Dept.
A bit over the top I think, I got 2 coils for my wife's xs250 shipped
from the US for $20
Will follow
Note if standard or flip, clear or tinted. All versions are for GBP 30.-, coloured + GBP 6.-
M & P
I did not find any other brand here.
Avant Guiral, f.e.
Picture shows the flip version. THX, David M.!
Rifle: Read "Transalp"Kelly's words to Rifle:
I have used the Rifle and didn't like it. I
liked the way it looked, but the 15" version I had caused LOTS
of wind noise. I have a Clearview on it now, and to the top of
it, I have grafted about 8" of the Rifle (I cut it down after it
cracked). It sure is weird looking, but it works. I
think it is about
$75 USD, but they also make a tall and a short one, smoke or
clear, too.
See also Rifle Homepage
Personally, I don't know anything about that brand. Even didn't know up to now,
that it's existing ... ;-) However, Bernard Pireyn
from Brussels/.be wrote:
... SECDEM : removed it after 3 minutes
(terrific wobbling of the whole bike) ...
Don't know which one this
is. Sport Touring, possibly.
Sport Touring (clear): US$ 69.95 Sport Touring (colours/smoke): US$ 79.95 XL (clear): US$ 59.95 XL (colours/tints): US$ 69.95
Zero Gravity
See also Zero Gravity homepage