The International Transalp Mailing List

By joining the International Transalp Mailing List, you'll have access to the knowledges of Transalp owners all over the world.
Transalp Mailing List is now hosted on
In case of trouble you may contact the listadmins:

Before subscribing, you should be aware of our rules. Besides the normal netiquette, you must accept the following rules:

  1. You must own a Honda XL 400/600/650 V Transalp, or you must be interested in owning one, respectively. If you're not sure, if it's the right bike for you, subscribe the list and ask us. We'll tell you ... ;-)
  2. Topics for the list are anything having to do with Transalp, f.e.:
  3. No topics for the list are:
  4. No binary attachements, please! This includes: sounds, pictures, platform specific documents like M$ Word files.
  5. Since there are some people on this list, not running one of those new-fashioned email clients, please don't send html-coded messages, if possible.
  6. In order to reduce traffic, keep your messages as short as possible.
  7. If you're on holiday and your provider limits the size on your mailbox, please unsubscribe temporarily, since otherwise all your mails will bounce back and make the list admin angry.
  8. List language is English. If you have trouble with some technical terms, give it in your mother language with a short description of what you're meaning.
  9. To unsubscribe from the list, please use the procedures stated below. Messages to the list reading "I don't feel like being a member anymore, unsubscribe me!" are annoying.
  10. By default, you'll subscribe the "list" mode, i.e. : any message to the list will be forwarded directly to your address.
    If you don't like this, you have the possibility to change to a digest mode later. An URL to a page where you can accomplish that, will be sent to you when you're subscribed.
  11. Once you have accepted these terms, you may subscribe.
Subscribing/unsubscribing procedure:

To subscribe or unsubscribe visit the TAML info page and fill out the form. A little later you will receive an email requesting confirmation. Confirm, and you're a member, or don't, and you're not. Once you're a member, you can change the behaviour of your account, i.e. you may set it to inactive (during your holiday, f.e), may subscribe the digest mode, may change your password etc. How to accomplish that, will be sent to you once a month in an email sent out by the system.

TAML is a private list, that means, no non-member can post here, and no non-member can view the members list.

Once you're subscribed, send messages to (also digest subscribers).


You may want to get help on all list issues. Send a mail to with help typed in the body.

In earlier times, all messages on TAML had been archived on We, the new admins, disabled this gateway, mainly for two reasons:

  1. We didn't like the idea, that our (and your) addresses were published on a public newsgroup page. Newsgroups are one of spammers' favoured sources for email addresses.
  2. Mailman (the software the TA list is now run by) holds an own archive. Have a look at the TAML archive page.

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