Disclaimer: Neither Bill nor me can give any warranty. If you do, you will work on your own risk!
A couple of weeks ago, I asked about jetting. There was a good deal of
really useful advice, and some unanswered questions. I said I'd let you all
know how I got on.
The history is that I put a Micron (race, therefore not actually legal) can
on my '97 TA. My OEM exhaust was getting scruffy because the chrome
decoration was starting to flake. The Micron is a close fit through the Givi
rack. If I ever change it again I'll get an oval can. To stop the can from
buzzing against the rack, I put a couple of bits of butyl rubber insulation
sliced from a heat resisting electical cable between the rack and the can.
The upshot was a great sound but no more power, perhaps even a slight loss -
a certain amount of popping and spluttering on overrun and a slightly
gutless feel to the throttle.
I looked at the plugs: completely white, indicating hot running/lean
I ordered a DynoJet kit from M and P. This was a leap of faith, since I
couldn't get anyone there to tell me what is in the kit. After nearly two
weeks of waiting for them to get it in stock, I got fed up and cancelled the
Instead, I ordered a couple of .130 main jets from TTS Engineering and
fitted them myself.
This was only slightly tricky and moderately time-consuming:
Now you're ready to take the carbs out....but take some precautions...
My TA is a 97 with 34 mm carbs. You can't get them out between the engine
and the frame!
The result is terrific. I have no idea what the actual power is and I've yet
to examine a plug to see how it's running. Fuel consumption is certainly up,
maybe because I've been enjoying myself. There is a slight amount of soot
deposit on the walls of the can outlet, and a tendency to miss slightly when
coming off full throttle. Overall the result is great, although I have the
suspicion that a .130 jet is just a bit too big. Miles per imperial gallon
are about 50 (40 miles per US Gallon, 18km per litre), but then I have been
enjoying myself.
Bear in mind that the cross sectional area of a jet is in proportion to the
diameter squared and that fuel flows faster through a big hole than through
a small one so the mixtre will be rich by at least (130/115) squared = 1.27
i.e 27% richer. Of course I didn't touch the needles or their jets and the
fuel has to pass through that restriction too so the overall result may be
less than 27%, especially on part throttle.
One other thing I've noticed is that the engine runs cooler. At high speed,
the temp gauge used to creep up. Now it doesn't.
I'll see about getting it tested for power and emissions and let you all
know how that goes.
Bill Dixon.
By the way, the orginal jets I found were .115
Some remarks by Deti:
1) Oops - you really can't get them out of the frame? It works with my oldstyle
32mm carbs in the following manner:
2) Remember - this is a '97 TA!!!! Older TAs may have the following main jets:
128 front
Josep M. Lopez kindly sent me a table of all European TA carbs jettings.
Check it out before starting rejetting ...
Anybody being about to work on the carbs should try this. It's much better to have
the carbs on the bench than fixed to the frame!
132 rear
That means: mounting a 130 on the rear carb, will make the mixturer go even leaner
for rear cylinder!