
My picture gallery A report on a holiday trip to Slovenija (in German) A report on a holiday trip to Dolomiti Alps (in German) The Transride de Schotter '97 travel log
A report about a trip through the Harz mountains
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Coming soon: A report about an Enduro-Weekend Coming soon: A report about a trip through French Alpes Coming soon: A report about another trip through French Alpes
Motorcycles on the Dempster The dictionary Pics of Corsica by Andrea Buzzi Some thoughts about EnduRoMania (in German)
EnduRoMania, an enduro raid in Romania Motorcycle Safaris in Australia
Wanna ride from Europe to Australia overland?
Ask Justin Hocevar!
Arold's African Adventure
Great pics and impressions from an Africa trip
Andreas Blum's Biker's Dream
All about Alpine Passes, a real biker's dream!
German only
Guus Duijvestijn's Alpine passes (English) Martin's Fenster zur Welt
Martin gathered links to trekking and motorcycle travel logs (all in German)
Michel Scaviner's Bulgaria trip
Luis A. Bertone's TransAndes ride with the TransAlp
Reports on 6th International Transalp Rally Rob's travel logs on his Central America trip More than 1000 links to travel logs on Sven's travel page (German)
Biker hotels in Europe
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