Seat alternatives

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The most famous alternative for the stock saddle is the noble Corbin saddle. It's lower and harder than the stock one. However, it's also wider, so it won't help you much, when you're too short-legged. It's extensively stepped (king & queen style), so your pillion may complain about reduced place. Many people like the Corbin, many don't; it's subjective. I don't like being fixed to one seat position, I like to change seat position on longer trips and while being off road.

appears by courtesy of Brian Lamberts.

A leather-coated Corbin
on Dirk Spiessens' bike

Check out the Corbin homepage.
In Europe contact:
M & P

Also Giuliari of Italy manufactures a saddle for the TA, being about 5 cm lower than the stock one. I'll try to get additional info.

German aftermarket provider Götz offers various stuff for a new do-it-yourself seat.

  1. A universal seat repair kit, containing of a middle hard basic foam and a softer cover up, for cutting your own seat kernel (order# 453, DEM 49.90)
  2. A ready-to-use stepless kernel, replacing the stock one with step. This kernel is harder than the stock one. Believe me, a harder seat is better for your back on long distance trips (order# 47512, DEM 79.90).
  3. A ready-to-use kernel with step, but harder than stock one, replacing the stock one (order# 273129, DEM 79.90).
  4. Ready to use covers in different colours
    red: order# 25591
    blue: order# 25593
    black: order# 25595, DEM 39.90 each.
  5. Universal covers in numerous colours and designs, for do-it-yourself cut.
  6. A complete replacement seat in black, similar to stock (order# 72811, DEM 239.50)

Concerning Mayer seats, Dave Steven wrote:

Here are two pix of a Rick Mayer seat I had done for my '89 US TransAlp, Rick reworks the stock pan to your body spec's. (weight, inseam, hips etc) He requests pix of you on the bike as well to locate the "sweet spot".
Cost is $325US but I supplied my own Naugahyde (blue) and he deducted $25US.
I've put over 1000 miles on it and it beats a Corbin for comfort and support.

mayer  mayer
Pictures appears by courtesy of Dave Steven


I decided to order a new seat from a freelance saddler, in my case Peewee of Hannover. This man is a genius, and he's a biker. He built a new kernel out of a pretty hard foam (RD100 classified), and sewed a new cover from brown vinyl, looking like genuine antique leather. He charged me DEM 160.-.
The seat looks really high-class, and it feels like that. It's harder than the stock kernel, stepless, a little bit higher and a little bit wider. It gives a very comfortable feeling, and after getting a sour ass after 1 hour of riding, at least during the last 1.5 years, I now can ride for hours. Have to get used now to new seating position ...

Click the pics for a fullsize version

bank1.jpg     bank2.jpg     bank3.jpg

Tips for designing your custom saddle

For getting a saddler's address, have a look at your local yellow pages, or, maybe the better idea, ask your local Honda dealer for a saddler. Mostly the dealers will know an address.

Or contact:

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