Links to other Transalp owners' homepages
The "guest page"
Carlo's Motorrad Page
Great travellogs (Middle East), travel infos
Alan's Bike Page (UK)
Ex-Transalp-Owner ;-)
Martin's Tourenfahrer Homepage (German)
Erik Astrup's Home Page (USA)
Ex-Transalp-owner ;-)
Transalpfreunde Deutschland
the German Transalp Owners Club
Hans de Waard and the Transalp Club Netherlands
Carsten's Bike Page (Germany)
Andrea Buzzi's TA-Page (Italy)
Italian only!
Big Greg's TA, AT and XLV750 pages
Also home of the TA Club of Australia
Enzo Cascioli's Transalp Page
Currently Italian only
Jürgen "Luigi" Koch's Transalp Page (German)
f.r.e.d's page
containing a great Maroc travel log (German)
Some pictures of the NC TA Rally in April '97
Check out Walter's trip from Tokyo to London!
Robert Bujok's "Volles Programm"
Accessories, equipment, travels (German)
Florians Transalp Page
Stammtisch Bodensee der Transalpfreunde Deutschland (German only)
Martin's Homepage
Josep M. Lopez Besora's pages:
1. Transalp Page
Performance Estimate Pages:
2. PEP
Marco Reichartz's Brömbrröm Seite (German)
Transalp-Börse - used TA parts (German)
Andres Hubert's "Dos Ruedas"
See some customized TAs (German)
XL600V by "bc" (Polish/English)
Hansjürg Bürgler's Transalp Tour Page
Fabrizio Giamminuti's trip to Morocco
Antonio Flati's Homepage
Stuart Waite's travelling tales
Petri Nikkinen's virtual hideout
Johan "Donkie" Hazendonk's Australia trip
Dimitrios Papadopoulos' "Utopia"
Dario & Wilma Tremolada's page
Transalp Forum - Q&A
Transalp Mailing List: Eddy is currently relaunching the TAML. At the time I don't know an address for subscribing. Pls. be patient ...
Kai Oderwald's TRANSALPiA Page
Home of the Transalp Webring!
Vik Banerjee's Combat Touring Motorcycle Club and ML
Russ Grover's
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