Steven LeBlanc posted a WordPerfect copy of the owner's manual on his page.
And Russ Grover
brought it online!!
THX for the afford, guys!
The owner's manual, shipped with the bike, is not very helpful when self-maintaining your Transalp. For that, you'll need some other manual. Beside the genuine Honda service manual, costing one hell of money, there is AFAIK just one other book dealing with TA and how to maintain it. It's Reparaturanleitung Honda XL600V, No.5095/5096 by Bucheli Verlag, Zug (Switzerland), ISBN (for the German version) 3-7168-1790-2. It's available at least in German, French and Spanish and is for roundabout DEM 40.-.
I'm using this one, and it's pretty good. Most of the b/w pictures on this page
I took from this book. BTW, if you should purchase it, it is clean of course ... ;-)
But be careful, when using this manual! It just deals with up to '88 models!!! This knowledge is
most important, when adjusting valve gap clearance, f.e.
You can buy an "English" HONDA service manual from WCC Wholesale somewhere in US. Costs about $40-$45 USD. They also have pretty good prices on stock parts including body parts ("tupperware").
Another source in US is, as Curtis suggested, a Honda parts place in Indiana. Phone# is 1-800-828-5498Eduard Bou from Spain wrote:
Here is some information of the Spanish manual for TA that I mentioned some days ago:
Revista Moto Tecnica
It may cost about 3500 ptas ( 25 $ ).
If someone is interested and has any problem, just e-mail me at and I could help him.
Honda XL600V Transalp (de 1987 a 1992) Nº10
Distribuidor exclusivo:
Alegre de Dalt, 45
TEL: 34 + 93 + 2193508
FAX: 34 + 93+ 2132514
This book is available also in French for 124.00 FF (18.9 Euro).
Besides Transalp, it also seems to handel Kawasaki KMX125b1
See also E.T.A.I. homepage
Roel Slegers from Belgium wrote:
I have a (French only) TA service manual, which isn't listed on your (#1) web-site;
Its front cover says:
Revue MOTO Technique N° 68
Out of its 160 A4 pages, 79 are dedicated to the TA (models 1987-1996).
I bought it in Belgium via "Motorrijder magazine", where it cost me
850 BEF (41 DEM).
Innes from UK wrote:
The manual should be available from the dealer. Though I have heard they
are a bit rich. You could contact Haynes Publishing,
or another after market manual printer.
Kawasaki KMX 125 B1 à B8 (1986 à 96)
Honda Transalp XL 600 V Modèles H à T (1987 à 96)
Fiche Première Urgence Kawasaki GPZ 600 R
ISSN 0150 7214
E.T.A.I. 96 (Editions Techniques pour l'Automobile et l'Industrie)
96, rue de Paris
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
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