Darrin and his Transalp

Darrin Fink from Douglas/Wyoming sent me this:
Great web page. Thanks for the info that led me to purchase my 1990 Transalp. I live on a cattle ranch in Wyoming, and the Transalp is the perfect bike for this place. I'm 15 miles from town, and 50% is paved, 50% gravel. There are miles upon miles of dirt roads out here to be explored, and the only way to do it is on the Transalp. I must confess, if the mud gets deep, I may switch to my KLR 650 with knobby tires, but it'll have to be bad for that!

Thanks again, and here's a .jpg taken when I first became an 'Alper.

Darrin Fink
Y-Knot Ranch
Douglas, Wyoming

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