Custom Engine Guard

German motorcycle parts manufacturer SW mo-tech also manufactures an engine guard for the Transalp. It's made from 4mm aluminium sheet and looks like the guard of the KTM Adventure (if you can imagine ;-) ). It's said to fit pretty well. It's for roughly DEM 250.-.

Dave wrote about installing:

The aluminium skidplate went on without a hitch although there was a rubber grommet in the bag of parts I haven't figured out where its supposed to go. No instructions were included but there are only 3 bolts.

Here you can see the beta version on Kai's bike.

And here it is on Dave Steven's US Transalp

SW mo-tech
AfricanQueens (part# ZM030)

or ask Stefan Kremer
or Kai Oderwald, they both are using it.

A real luxury engine guard you may purchase from German aftermarket parts provider AfricanQueens. It's been developed especially for rallye use. It's made from 4 mm aluminium sheet and has both an integrated toolbox and an integrated 3 l water tank (3 l is the minimum amount of water, you have to carry with you, when attending an official rallye). Alternatively you can get this engine guard with 2 toolboxes. It's for (sit down and wonder ;-) ) DEM 1,149.-...


AfricanQueens (part# ZM031)

This is a self constructed engine guard, done by Carlo, made from 5 mm aluminium plate. As an additional side guard, he mounted his tire tools on the left side. Hey folks, don't try to make Carlo build this for you! It's just an example of what can be done ...  





Randal Scoby from Netherlands did a very cool thing: Taking a stock engine guard as a stencil, he constructed a carbon fibre made engine guard. He hadn't yet to test stability, in any case it's lighter than the stock one ...

Myself, I rivetted a 2 mm alu plate to the stock guard, thinking, the stock guard isn't as bad as always told. The problem is, that there is an unsheltered zone below, and this is closed by the plate. Also the plate makes it a little more stable

Big Greg Aldis wrote:

Hi Deti,

Tom , who purchased my Transalp, has made a pattern from the alloy bashplate for anyone who might like to make their own. It requies minimum welding etc. My bash plate is made with 3mm marine alloy on the sides and 4mm alloy checkerplate on the bottom for more strength. You might want to post it on your site.



THX, Greg and Tom. Download the pattern now (16 KB gif).

Plate8 Jim Leininger also constructed a custom skidplate. See details and instructions. THX, Jim!



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